Media Releases

One third of NZ sheep farms have triple drench resistance. Testing from Techion shows triple resistance is on the rise

14 August 2024

Partnership goes from revolutionising farming to transforming human health with AI

04 December 2023

NZ sheep industry robbed of $98 million a year due to undetected drench resistance

19 September 2023

AI helps farmers manage parasites using FECPAKG2

22 May 2023

Get winter animal health checks done now... psst, even Santa does!

01 December 2022

Record Rain Delivers Parasite Problems for Farmers

08 August 2022

Big Data Shows Sheep Parasite Challenge is Constantly Changing

08 September 2021

Significant 25% Increase in Parasites in Sheep Year-on-Year

April 2021

FECPAKG2 Validated as Effective and User-Friendly Method to Measure Parasites in Horses

September 2020

Undected Drench Resistance Estimated to Cost the NZ Sheep Sector $48 Million a Year and its Getting Worse

31 August 2020 

Can Lessons and Tools from Animal Health Assist Human Health?

28 July 2020

UK Study Shows NZ-designed Parasite Management Tool Boosts Animal Health and Reduces Farm Costs

July 2018